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How our Plasma Liquid® products finally provided relief

Sigrid Pforr had to struggle with throat infections and other diseases almost her entire life. On our blog you will find the unique medical story of Sigrid Pforr, which only came to an end through the use of our Plasma Liquid® products.

Sigrid Pforr, who was born on June 21, 1967 in Dortmund, had to struggle with infections in the throat and throat area and other illnesses for almost her entire life. Below you will find the unique medical history that only came to an end through the use of our Plasma Liquid® products.

1971 - 1981 

At the age of 4, Sigrid's first abnormalities in her deciduous dentition became apparent: despite good dental hygiene, the teeth were increasingly decayed, which is why the affected areas were initially treated with fillings. Sigrid was also told to avoid sugary foods.

Through family connections, contact is made with oral surgery at the University Hospital Düsseldorf in the same year, which is followed by months of inpatient stays. In addition to blood tests, allergy tests and gastroscopy, ultrasound examinations and a complete examination of the mouth and throat are performed there. The diagnosis: congenital, selective immunoglobulin A (IgA) deficiency and congenital, bilateral parotid aplasia.

The problem: Worldwide, only six cases are known in 1972, which makes treatment considerably more difficult. Since no research results are available, the IgA deficiency remains untreated, even though it is clear that recurrent accumulations of infections must be expected as a result. In order to at least preserve Sigrid's dentition as long as possible, the teeth are coated with a fluorine paste at regular intervals - at the age of 10, teeth then have to be crowned for the first time.

Careers ab 1981 

From 1981 onwards, Sigrid suffers at regular intervals from tonsillitis as well as infections of the middle ear, which can only be treated with penicillin and other antibiotics due to their severity. With the removal of the pharyngeal tonsil at the age of nine, the doctors hope for improvement, but the operation has no influence on the frequency of the disease - on the contrary: Until 1988, the infections increase to 8-9 illnesses per year.

Dr. med. Cornelia Lauterbach, internist and specialist in pulmonary and bronchial medicine, first ventured to try therapy with beriglobin at the beginning of 1989, which actually reduced the frequency of infections. And also during the two pregnancies at the beginning of the 1990s, the number of infections decreases.

From 1993 

Post partum, finally, a serious decrease in body weight is observed, the sore throats accumulate again and treatment with beriglobin leads to severe side effects with fever. In addition, there are sudden recurrent acute vaginal infections due to the lack of IgA or lactic acid bacteria in the vaginal mucosa. The immunotherapy prescribed by her gynecologist causes severe allergic reactions in conjunction with fever and paralysis symptoms after only the second treatment and must therefore be discontinued.

2003 - 2013 

In the following years, severe night sweats, chills, dizziness and insomnia occur more frequently. After a kidney pelvic inflammation, a congenital renal stenosis is diagnosed, which is to be treated in 2010 by a renal pelvic plastic and antibiotics. Sigrid becomes infected with a resistant pathogen in the kidney via the catheter, but this can be eliminated. And initially no other infections occur postoperatively - until Sigrid starts her new job in September 2012 in a strongly air-conditioned open-plan office with around 50 colleagues. 

Respiratory diseases, lateral gangrene, sinusitis, fever and other illnesses follow. In 2013, Sigrid is finally examined at Essen University Hospital, where she is recommended vaccinations against pneumococcus, haemophilus and influenza, as well as rehab at the North Sea. There she is to inhale daily with brine for three weeks, relax on the beach and enjoy the sea air, which leads to an overall improvement: In the summer months, she is completely free of infections, and in the fall and winter, the illnesses are reduced to a few throat infections, which remains the case almost without exception in the following years.

2018 - today 

However, as of December 2018, recurring throat infections occur again at monthly intervals, whereupon Dr. med. Horst Luckhaupt recommends our Plasma Liquid® products to Sigrid - here in particular the Mouth Wash Solution as well as the Nasal Spray Gel. And lo and behold: since the beginning of the permanent daily use of our products, a significant improvement of the complaints can be achieved, antibiosis in the ENT area is no longer necessary and the germ load has also decreased somewhat. 

 "The fact is that the use of the two Plasma Liquid products has helped me to significantly reduce the germ load in the ENT area, so that for the last 9 months there have been no more infections in the area that would have had to be treated with antibiotics. The products have no side effects on my mucous membrane and in fact do not seem to lead to the development of resistance. All other products I have tried before - chlorhexidine, Betaisodona® oral antiseptic, etc. - have negative effects on the oral mucosa, are not useful for long-term use and can lead to the formation of resistance. I can therefore only recommend the Plasma Liquid products and have so far used them successfully, permanently. I would like to see more research and development in this area in order to make antibiotic therapies avoidable for people like me." - Sigrid Pforr

You have similar complaints and would like to get relief? Click here for our Plasma Liquid products.

Our recommendations


From now on you can buy our Plasma Liquid® Dental Gel in the practice unit (20 x 3 ml) and save over 60% on the normal price!