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No new drug can be developed without clinical trials. Below you will find a selection of medical studies that precede the development of our products:

NEW Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH - Evaluation of the effectiveness of Plasma Liquid Nasensprühgel 20ml (2021)

Bremert, Küster et al. - Sanierung einer MRSA-Osteitis im Bereich der Schädelbasis durch eine Kombinationsbehandlung mit Antibiotika und sinonasaler Spülung mittels Natriumhypochlorit (2015)

Chen, Chen et al. - Effectiveness of Hypochlorous Acid to Reduce the Biofilms on Titanium Alloy Surfaces in Vitro (2016)

Cho, Min et al. - Improved Outcomes After Low-Concentration Hypochlorous Acid Nasal Irrigation in Pediatric Chronic Sinusitis (2016)

Coello-Gómez, Navarro-Suárez et al. - Postoperative effects on lower third molars of using mouthwashes with super-oxidized solution versus 0.2% chlorhexidine gel: A randomized doubleblind trial (2018)

Dube, Jain - Electrolyzed Saline: An Alternative to Sodium Hypochlorite for Root Canal Irrigation (2018)

De Nardo, Chiappe et al. - Effects of 0.05% sodium hypochlorite oral rinseon supragingival biofilm and gingival inflammation (2012)

Dhusia, Prof. Dept. of Entistry - Comparative Efficacy and Tolerability of Microcyn Superoxidized Solution (Oxum) against Povidone Iodine Application in Orodental Infections (2008)

Flores-Martínez, Dr. - Super-Oxidized Solution (SOS) irrigation in Root Canal Treatment (2005)

Ghisi, Kopper et al. 2014 - Effect of Super-Oxidized Water, Sodium Hypochlorite and EDTA on Dentin Microhardness (2014)

Kim - Development of a mouthwash alternative using a low-level hypochlorous acid solution with macroporous platinum electrodes and its application to oral health (2016)

Kim, Kim et al. - Eradication of MRSA skull base osteitis by combined treatment with antibiotics and sinonasal irrigation with sodium hypochlorite (2011)

Kim, Nam - Comparison of the preventive effects of slightly acidic HOCl mouthwash and CHX mouthwash for oral diseases (2018)

Meister, Toni Luise et al. - Virucidal Efficacy of Different Oral Rinses Against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (2020)

Lafaurie, Caldéron et al. - Ácido Hipocloroso: una Nueva Alternativa como Agente Antimicrobiano y para la Proliferación Celular para Uso en Odontología (2015)

Rathakrishnan, Sukumaran et al. - To Evaluate the Efficacy of an Innovative Irrigant on Smear Layer Removal – SEM Analysis (2016)

Robinson, Lee et al. - Evaluation of the efficacy of electrochemically activated solutions against nosocomial pathogens and bacterial endospores (2010)

Robinson, Lee et al. - Antimikrobielle Wirksamkeit von elektrochemisch aktivierten Lösungen (ECAS) gegen nosokomiale Pathogene und Bakterien (2010)

Rossi-Fedele, Figueiredo et al. - Evaluation of the antimicrobial effect of super-oxidized water (Sterilox®) and sodium hypochlorite against Enterococcus faecalis in a bovine root canal model (2010)

Slots - Selection of antimicrobial agents in periodontal therapy (2002)

Wu, Lin et al. - Antibacterial Effect of Hypochlorous Acid Solution on Nasal Discharge from Patients with Chronic Rhinosinusitis (2018)

Zan, Alacam et al. - Antibacterial Efficacy of Super-OxidizedWater on Enterococcus faecalis Biofilms in Root Canal (2016)

Zan, Kutlu et al. - Bactericidal Effects of Various Irrigation Solutions Against Staphylococcus Aureus in Human Root Canal (2015)

Our recommendations

Plasma Liquid® MED Anti-Aging Serum 6&6
€39.90* €49.90* (20.04% saved)
Plasma Liquid® MED Anti-Aging Cream 6&6
€39.90* €49.90* (20.04% saved)


From now on you can buy our Plasma Liquid® Dental Gel in the practice unit (20 x 3 ml) and save over 60% on the normal price!